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It’s time to plant now!


La Crosse Seed logo

Alforex Seeds by DLF logo effective 2024
We Well Big Bales of Hay 3 X 3 X 8

Farmers & Merchants Seed is handling new services from Monty’s to improve your fertilizer needs with micronutrients. Humihance fertilizer coating and Dri-Carbon granulated humic are recommended to increase your return on investment.
We also have other products that will work for you with herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide in your sprayer.

Click the logo or link here to learn more information about Monty’s products. https://montysplantfood.com/

How to Operator a Rogator

alfalfa field May 2018
notice to purchasers of seed to give 4 days to receive NEW seed
Updated Aug. 27, 2021

Glen LeDuc has been a hay grower since 1983, and continues to operate a commercial hay business. Glen worked for Hamel Seed for over ten years. He gained respect and knowledge from the farmers he served in the seed and fertilizer farming business.
Glen helps dairy farmers, who do not have enough land to grow their own hay, by selling them Quality Hay. With the Quality Hay that Glen provides, they feel confident purchasing his Quality HAY SEED as well.